Lies, Damn Lies, Statistics and Surveys
Surveys such as this are useful to discover new
tools and highlight obvious gaps in your knowledge. At the time of writing, the
survey has received 5,254 responses which is a significantly better sample than
most opinion polls. However, be wary about taking them as the gospel truth.
Worldwide results
The survey was offered worldwide, but will be heavily
biased toward English-speaking countries. A popular tool developed or used
elsewhere may be omitted.
Developer knowledge
The survey appealed to knowledgeable developers who
understood the questions, were aware of its existence, and had the time and inclination
to complete it.
courtesy of Ashley Nolan
Developers with minimal front-end skills were less
likely to complete the survey, so the results may be skewed accordingly.
Opinions and biases
Respondents were asked to judge their own
experiences. Some may be modest and suffer imposter syndrome. Others may over-estimate
their technical abilities because they’re the sole front-end developer on a
large team of novice programmers. Self-opinionated biases may average out, but
there’s no way to prove it.
Past activities don’t indicate future
The results highlight what developers have been
using. It does not follow that the tools were useful, saved time or will be
used in future projects.
63% of developers rated their CSS knowledge as
advanced or expert:
Image courtesy of Ashley Nolan
Despite being a collection of seemingly simple property
and value pairs, CSS is notoriously difficult to master. CSS3 introduced a slew
of new effects, and it’s increasingly difficult to have experience in all. For
example, I have minimal knowledge of the new CSS Grid module, and often use the
Force (or random trial and error) when developing Flexbox layouts!
10% of those admitting to less than one year’s
development experience claimed to having advanced CSS knowledge! I suspect
they’ll soon discover that the more they know, the more they realize they don’t
CSS preprocessors
More than 63% use Sass — the undisputed preprocessor
champion. 8% also use PostCSS, although
this is often used in conjunction with other preprocessors to provide useful
functionality — such as AutoPrefixer (adopted
by 65% of respondents).
Almost 14% use no preprocessor and prefer to work
with raw CSS code. This seems a little low when you consider it’s the easiest
(and best) way to start front-end development. The
average website makes 7.2 CSS file requests which I would expect to be
lower if 86% of developers used a preprocessor.
CSS naming schemes
46% of developers have used a naming scheme, but
this rose to 57% for those who ranked their CSS knowledge as advanced or
The most popular option is BEM with 40%, followed by CSS Modules (16%), OOCSS (15%), and SMACSS (13%).
Other CSS tools
39% use Modernizr on
current projects. This seems surprising when its primary use is for older
editions of IE that have largely been abandoned. (Microsoft
ended support for IE10 and below in January 2016.)
14% use Stylelint to
check CSS validity. This seems low, but most popular IDEs and editors have some
type of CSS checking, so it may not be necessary.
23% of developers don’t use any CSS tools or naming
If you consider CSS tooling to be complex, welcome
to the bewildering world of JavaScript!
Responses were more modest, with 51% ranking their
JavaScript knowledge as advanced or expert:
Image courtesy of Ashley Nolan
Libraries and frameworks
Despite having its relevancy questioned, more than
99% of developers have used jQuery at
some point and 31% consider it essential for most projects. 70% continue to use
it on current projects, which is similar
to figures observed in the wild by W3Techs:
The framework situation is more confusing:
- React has been adopted
for 38% of current projects. Yet, only 29% of developers feel comfortable
using it and 18% consider it essential. Barely 0.1% of websites have been
observed using React, but remember that the survey results are gathered
from front-end developers — not all web developers.
- Angular 1 is being used on 25% of
projects, although only 8% thought it was essential. Angular 2 uptake has
been relatively sedate, adding another 8%. Just 3% use it for most
- Vue.js has been adopted for 10% of
projects, yet fewer than 6% of developers are comfortable with the
framework and 3% consider it essential.
Perhaps a useful question for next year’s survey
would be: “Have you ever abandoned one framework or switched to another
in the same project?”
Despite a high number of JavaScript experts,
only 21% considered frameworks to be optional and were happy writing native
code. Is that a worrying statistic? Do 30% of developers consider their
framework-abstracted skill set to be all the knowledge they require?
Task runners and module bundlers
Gulp is the
outright winner, used by almost 44% of developers. However, simpler npm scripts increased 23%
over 2016 to reach 26%.
Grunt has
fallen from favor, slipping down to 12%. Also slipping by 9% are the 11% of
respondents choosing not to use a task runner.
Those using a module bundler increased 20% during
2016 to reach 68%. Webpack is
the most popular at 31%, with Browserify at
11% and RequireJS at 8%.
I was surprised “other” module bundlers accounted
for less than 4% when there are several task runner plug-ins for simpler
dependency management, such as gulp-deporder. Perhaps
it’s because everyone is using a JavaScript transpiler.
ES6 to ES5 transpilers
62% of developers are using a tool such as Babel to transpile terser ES6 code to
old-browser-friendly ES5 code. 31% had heard of the possibilities but not used
the tools, and 7% had never encountered the term.
This number seems remarkably high. Internet Explorer
and older applications do not support the latest JavaScript syntax but, if
you’re writing ES6 code, why bother to support them? If you do need to support
IE11 and below, would it be simpler and less error prone to write ES5 code?
Other JavaScript tools
41% of developers use ESLint, while 19% use JSLint and 14% use JSHint to check the validity of their code —
such as missing brackets, omitted semi-colons, poor indenting, etc.
23% of respondents do not use a code validation tool
— although, again, it’s possible they rely on their text editor or IDE to spot
the worst transgressions.
Those using a testing tool increased by 12% over the
year to reach 52%. Historically, JavaScript testing has been a challenge.
Techniques such as test-driven development (TDD) could catch logic problems but
not issues encountered with asynchronous events such as when the UI did something
unexpected in a specific browser. Fortunately, behavior-driven development
(BDD) possibilities have emerged to check activity in a real browser and make
front-end testing a more practical proposition.
The most popular systems:
Mocha –
TDD/BDD (23%)
Jasmine –
BDD (17%)
QUnit –
TDD (4%)
Jest – TDD/BDD (3%)
Ava –
TDD/BDD (2%)
Finally, 94% of respondents have used npm — the Node.js package manager. An
unexpected 32% have also had experience with TypeScript.
What Should You Use in 2017!
With regard to CSS, knowledge of Sass, PostCSS and
BEM seems obvious. That said, development diversity is broad. I suggest you
research a number of preprocessors and naming schemes so you understand what
each tool can achieve — even if you choose not to use them.
JavaScript is less clear.
There are some obvious
Node.js and
npm will become essential as you adopt more tools.
Learn about ES6 even if you continue to
work on backward-compatible ES5 projects.
I don’t envy anyone trying to choose a library or
framework for their next project. Going by survey results alone, jQuery is the
clear favorite. Yet jQuery’s cross-browser assistance is less essential
following IE’s demise, and many features have been duplicated in native browser
APIs and CSS.
You could choose a framework such as React because
it’s popular — but that doesn’t make it suitable for your application.
Even React will eventually be superseded by something better, bigger and
My advice: learn the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript
and browser development before picking one of the many frameworks launched
on a daily basis. That knowledge will remain invaluable regardless of the opinions
and tool sets adopted by the JavaScript community. Perhaps you’ll even write
your own improved system and join in the framework fun!
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